it is for
freedom that Christ has set us free!!!!
and he came that we might have
LIFE! and have it
to the
abundantly! is this the life we live? why are we always struggling with
how we ought to live and continually falling into
old ways? we have new life with Jesus and we are
new creations!
"how great is the love the Father has
lavished -[given, or
bestowed]- on us,"
if this be true, then why do we often live in guilt,
regret, and condemnation? do we not know or believe
that there is non of that for those of us that are in him?
"our sins have been forgiven on account -[value, paid] of his name!"
we are
conquerors in him;
victorious! in 1 John it also says:
"I write to you young men,
because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you,
and you have overcome the evil one."
so then, let us live in this freedom and new life that we have been giving...
forgetting what is behind us and pressing forward towards what lies ahead.
joy should be our strength, life and blessings in our words;gentleness and patience as our mannerisms. let you eyes be open to behold his beauty - in creation and children; in all things!
let our time be used wisely and the simple, little moments be
cherished and not passed by in our busy lives and constant desire for the next thing.
contentment fill our heart;
for he has given us
everything we need in life and for life.
i have been blessed more then i thought. he is enough.
stand in awe! his grace is enough.
from the rising of the sun until it's going down, let his name be praised!