Bed time... little Cera: 'can we read a book?' me: No, it's late and time for bed. 'well can we pray?' yes, we will.
Cera is 4 and her prayers start well and then just end up telling a story about the Christmas tree we have, and her birthday that was just a few days ago and yet she thinks and hopes it will be again soon, and her walk to the store. She also asked me today was it was night time and I tried to explain that ever day the sun it up and it's day time and then it goes down and the moon comes up and it's night. To that I got a - Nu Cred ca soare mege jos. (I don't believe it goes down.) She was quite matter of fact. And when I tried to explain the New year coming and that there are 12 months in a year and then we have a new year, she didn't get it and just kept asking why were were having a party and who's birthday it was. She is just so excited about birthdays since hers was just last week.
So then, back to bed time prayers... Laszlo begins to pray, like every night: 'Multumesc (Thank you) for Cora (my mom), Dan (my dad), and Mama lui Katie' (my roommates mother who was just here with us for Christmas). Top 3 in prayers for tonight! Then he continued to be Thankful for: 'the Big Christmas tree & the Small one. Amin!'
And we are so Thankful for our ONE Christmas tree! It was a gift and we have enjoyed it....especially the decorating! Well actually, I must stop myself and say, Laszlo was right. We have the big, real Christmas Tree in the family room, and a small fake one on the dresser in our bedroom. So he was right!
(more pictures are to come, but here are just a few)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! LA MULTI ANI from Romania! or as Laszlo said on the phone to my mom: 'Happy Birthday to you, you, you!'