Saturday, March 17, 2012


The Last time I posted was a few months back and was a post full of emotion.  Today things look a bit brighter but they can still be discouraging with all the waiting and new laws that pass here... sometime making this adoption seem impossible.  But, I know that nothing is or was a surprise to God when he allowed me to be a mama to my freckled face boy.  He knew the time I'd live here and all the time it would take, he knew I'd have to stay longer then 5 years (8 this summer) and all the new laws that would come into effect making things a bit more complicated at times ( I think) and that I would have a few hard days full of tears from all of this;  but, he also knew he'd give me a husband at that time to walk through it with me and a close network of friends and family.  He is good! Plus I've put in my papers for permanent residency and if I get a 'yes' then we can start this adoption process!!!!! 
So, today is a better a day and one that looks brighter; and I don't think that is just because of the lovely spring sunshine we've been having either!  
Here are a some photos of the past few weeks of the Bjork family!  Enjoy and Love to you all!

We have finished learning the Alphabet!

big grin!

work'n with Pappa

Don't forget to Recycle

Tractor tires anyone?  Free wagon delivery! 

Springtime weather means painting outside

and preparing out seeds for planting.

Pappa and his seed planter assistant!

Ah Spring time, how I love you and all the windows I can open and the warm air that come through!