Friday, October 10, 2008

...he remembers...

trust. how hard is this? haven't i already learned this? i guess this is a life long lesson and something that will always be there to choose and use in every situation. it's a hard thing, especially when all seems against you and the ones you love and care for. why? when will the favor of the Lord come? will i see it...soon? will there be a glimpse of His kingdom on earth? or is he already at work, behind what we see with our human eyes? is he still in preparations or is he waiting for us to ask and seek and believe and trust? faith, trust ... waiting... it's not easy and i'm not so good at it; but when i do see the Lord at work, in only his ways and his timing and when it's the least expected - it's amazing and my heart gets excited about what's next. i know there is more and this is not the end. i know he's bigger and more powerful then anything or anyone else that exists. he is King and rules all! he knows us, each hair on our head and the words before they are on our tongue. he wants to show himself - to us and show who he is. he also wants to engage us. so (let us) i will wait (or want to wait but sometimes can't, or feel i can't) in expectation on his next move and mine with him. and we must pray! pray for things to move and peoples hearts to soften. we must be faithful and listen so we can hear what he is saying and where he is moving and so his power can come it! pray for favor for our children (the children of romania!) we need his favor; it's time for favor to be shown. let us trust, together. who can be against us if he is for us? who? if no one then why do we fear, or what do we fear and why do we doubt and forget all the times he's gone before us and his hand of favor and movement has been seen? trust. wait. pray. expect. join. and stand in awe!

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